The Moon Space
2025 Moon Calendar
2025 Moon Calendar
A beautiful illustrated calendar showing the phases of the moon throughout the year.
View the exact date and time for each new and full moon, as well as their astrological position.
A brilliant reference tool for anyone wanting to connect deeper with the moon's cycles as well as those who practice, garden or cook in tune with the moon.
Created by Amy of The Moon Space, a nurturing platform for the exploration and teaching of yoga, natural health and different modalities of healing.
How To Use
How To Use
☾ Adorn your sacred space with the moon calendar and connect deeper with its cycles.
☾ We think the calendar is a beautiful work of art regardless of the year! Frame and admire the celestial beauty of the moon for years to come.
Printed on A3 recycled paper, 170gsm
UK times and dates (GMT/BST)